3D wiew of thermocouple arduino shield prototype board for arduino shield for thermcouple
Arduino shield for two thermocouples
The shield use two inexpensive LT1006 precision OPA instead of  more precise but also expensive specialised circuit.
The price for this is that you have to make your own calibration.
I made this shield for use with a mini owen to record and control temperature to make reflow soldering of CMS.
The control part and software will be available soon.


schematic for arduino shield for thermcouple
D2 is for output, to optotriac for owen regulation as exemple. Becarefull : inductive charges (relay) need free wheeling diode, there is no one here.

Temperature mesurement :

The cold junction compensation is realised by the NTC TH1.  
Ambiant temperature is mesured on A0. The response curve of the NTC is calibrated by software.
Thermocouples gives too weak tension for direct mesurement on ATMEGA ADC. LT 1006 provides amplification before conversion.
The software is also used to linearize thermocouple response.

Inputs / Outputs :

I make this shield to control a mini owen to make reflow soldering of surface mounted devices.

  • D2 is for output, to optotriac as exemple. Becarefull : inductive charges (relay) need free wheeling diode, there is no one here.
  • D3 is for an optional imput, depending of software.
  • D4 is for a buzzer.
  • D5 for what you want


    The gain of the OPA have to be choosed depending of the expected temperature range and the thermocouple type.
    Thermocouple tables can be found here :

    ex for K type :  
    with gain = (220+1)/1 = 221.  
    Uth max = 5V / 221 =  22,6 mv
    Max temperature range beetwen 500 and 600 °C . (approx 546 °C, according NIST table).

    Temp (°C) Uth (mV) Gain
    100 4.1 1220
    200 8.14 614
    300 12.21 409
    400 16.4 304
    500 20.22 242
    600 24.9 200
    700 29.13 171

    Bill Of Material

     A0         0,1' connector     
    A1         0,1' connector    
    A2         0,1' connector     
    ARD_5V1    0,1' connector     
    ARD_GND1   0,1' connector             
    D2         0,1' connector     
    D3         0,1' connector     
    D4         0,1' connector     
    D5         0,1' connector     
    P1         4 mm female plug     
    P2         4 mm female plug     
    P3         Two port bord connector     
    P7         4 mm female plug     
    P8         4 mm female plug     
     IC1        LT1006       
    IC2        LT1006
    D1         LED     
    R1         10 k       
    R2         (see GAIN chapter)      
    R3         (see GAIN chapter)        
    R4         (see GAIN chapter)      
    R5         (see GAIN chapter)         
    R6         220        
    SW1        Push button    
    TH1        10 K TNC resistor    
    X1         BUZZER     


    The board is single face, with two strap wires.
    Arduino board for thermocouple

    The PDF for copper side
    kicad files for board and schematic

    IMPORTANT TIPS :  DO NOT mount the TNC on the board before calibration. For calibration the best is to put the TNC in water with a reference thermometer. If it's on the board it wont be easy.
    Instead you'd better to sold two wires from  the TNC to the board, or mount it with his long legs.
    After calibration you can mount the TNC on the board.


    Software is minimum : Voltage from TNC and OPA are read and converted in temperature. Output is sent on serial port for reading on serial monitor.
    Use serial monitor of arduino or any equivalent to read or record outputs
    The conversion is done with piecewise linear interpolation. The interpolation is calculated with two table : one for the TNC and one for the TC.

    #define TEMP 1
    #define CAN 0
    #define N_CTN 4 // number of points in TNC calibration table 
    #define N_TC 12  // number of points in thermocouple calibration table 
    // Table calibration for THERMISTOR
    float calib_CTN [N_CTN][2] = {
    {470,30} // put here calibration points : first the value read on arduino ADC, second the value read on your reference thermoemter.
    // Table calibration for THERMO COUPLE
    float calib_TC  [N_TC][2] = {
    {0,0}, // first point : at 0°C the TC give no voltage
    {444, 125},
    void setup() {
      // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
      pinMode(4,OUTPUT) ;
      pinMode(3,INPUT) ; digitalWrite(3, HIGH) ;
    // the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
    void loop() {
      // read the input on analog pin 0:
      int Can_comp = analogRead(A0);
      int Can_TC = analogRead(A1);
      float T_ctn = converti(Can_comp , calib_CTN, N_CTN);
      float T_Thcp = converti(Can_TC, calib_TC, N_TC) ;
      // print out the value you read:
      Serial.print("CTN ADC out ="); Serial.print(Can_comp);
      Serial.print("\tT ref ="); Serial.print(T_ctn);
      Serial.print("\tTcoup ADC out ="); Serial.print(Can_TC);
      Serial.print("\tTemp TC ="); Serial.print(T_Thcp);
      Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(T_Thcp + T_ctn,2); // Temperature from Thermo couple is 
                                                                // added to cold junction temperature for compensation
      delay(100);        // delay for stability 
    float Int_lin(float x,             // input : abcisse where the fonction is to be interpolated
                  float X1, float Y1 , // Coordinates of lower interpolation point
                  float X2, float Y2   // Coordinates of upper interpolation point
      // linear interpolation : x beetween X1 and X2  
      // return interpolated value of y = f(x)
      float a , b ;  
      a = (Y1 - Y2) / (X1 - X2) ;
      b = Y1 - a*X1 ;
      return a*x + b ;
    float converti(float X ,          // value read on ADC to convert in °C
                   float calib[][2],  // Calibration table to use --> not the same for TCN en thermo couple
                   int N
    	int i ;
    	if (X < calib [0][CAN]){ // Entry outside calibration table (lower) --> extrapolation
    	                         // with the two first points of table
    		return Int_lin(X, 	
    				calib [0][CAN], calib [0][TEMP] , 
    				calib [1][CAN], calib [1][TEMP]) ;
    	if (X > calib [N-1][CAN]){ // Entry outside calibration table (higher) --> extrapolation
    	                             // with the two last points of table
    		return Int_lin(X, 	
    				calib [N-1][CAN], calib [N-1][TEMP] , 
    				calib [N][CAN], calib [N][TEMP]) ;
    	for (i=0 ; i < N ; i++){
    		if (X < calib [i][CAN]){
    			return Int_lin(X, 	
    					calib [i-1][CAN], calib [i-1][TEMP] , 
    					calib [i][CAN], calib [i][TEMP]) ;


    As is, the software cant make mesure : The user had to calibrate is shield and to fill  tables before.
    tables here are just for exemple and works with my thermocouples, my NTC and the gain of my amplifiers. Components Tolerances doesn't allow you to use those tables as is .
    For calibration you need a multimeter with thermocouple fonction.


    First you need to calibrate the cold junction compensation.
    Put the TNC in hot water (45°C as exemple) together with a reference thermometer. Read and note the output of TNC ADC (A0) in parallel with reading from your thermometer. Let the temperature fall and note ADC output and temperature every 10 degres.  10 degres is for exemple : the interpolation function dont need regular intervals. You can use mesure randomly spreaded in the mesure range.
    Put  the TNC in cold water (0 °C or 10 °C) and note together ADC output and thermometer. Let the temperature rise and note several reading.
    Prepare the calibration table : intervals dont need to be regular but you need to order ADC reading from smallest to bigest.
    Writte the table in the program upload it in the Arduino and check on the temperature range.
    The software can make mesure outside of the range of the table : in those case mesurements are EXTRAPOLATED from the most extreme point of table.


    Mesure and note room temperature
    Plug thermocouple to the shield AND to your multimeter or electronic thermometer : yes, plug the TC to the shield (P2 and P1) and IN PARALLEL on your electronic thermometer.
    Of course you could use two thermocouples (on on the shield and one for the termometer), but it would be harder to be sure have the same temperature on both termocouple. Put the thermocouple in a hot area (owen) an rise temperature. Note ADC output from the Arduino and temperature from your thermometer.
    Your thermometer has a built in cold junction compensation. So you need to minore the temperature of the the value of the room temperature.
    Prepare the calibration table and upload the program.

    How many point do you need

    it's depend of the precision you need. Thermocouples are not so far from linear sensors. So one point for each 100°C could be enough. Thermistor (TCN) are not so linear 5 to 6 points could be necessary, depending of mesure range.